Like many Dermatologists, I used to struggle with treating eczema.
Thanks to 1 tough, young patient and years of research, I have finally discovered the "magic formula" for eczema...
- It has an amazing 95% success rate at managing my patients' eczema…
- And is 100% safe for daily use: no side effects whatsoever!
- This amazing solution requires just a few applications per day for clear, eczema-free skin.
But it didn't start that way.
It wasn't too long after my residency had ended that I noticed something strange was going on…
I had just
opened my new practice, and found myself treating patient after patient with the same issue:
Painful, itchy, stubborn eczema.
It wasn't just the sheer number of patients that bugged me though…
After all, Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis, is really common.
In fact, around 30% of all Americans suffer from some form of recurring dermatitis.
No, that wasn't the problem…
The real issue…
You know, the one that kept me up at night, tossing and turning…
Was this fact:
My treatments weren't helping.
I felt like a failure.
And because of this…
My patients were suffering.
The treatments would always help at first…
The eczema would start to clear up…
My patients would stop itching…
Starting to sleep better…
Feeling more confident in their skin…
Then, I'd get the call:
“Dr. Harlan, it's back”.
Always the same call; always the same issue.
The rash always came back. Often, it was worse:
I felt awful. As a doctor, it’s my job to help patients, and I felt like I was just doing the opposite.
Their suffering was brutal for me to watch.
Some days I felt like I didn’t even want to come to work anymore.
These patients were not only frustrated, but in pain – severe pain – that wasn't getting better, no matter what I tried.
Then one patient changed everything…
While he may have had some of the worst agony I have ever seen in an eczema patient…
That pain caused perhaps the single greatest breakthrough in eczema treatment of the last 30 years.
--> Curtis was only 4-years-old.
He had been suffering from severe eczema since he was only 3 months.
For him, eczema was a constant, nasty introduction to life that never seemed to go away.
By this point, the rash was all over his little body.
His skin was rubbed raw. It was heartbreaking.
It was such a deep shade of red from the constant scratching and itching and stinging.
“We felt helpless,” his mom explained, “He was miserable and constantly scratching, and we had spent thousands on creams that promised a relief, with no results”
Curtis' parents were beyond frustrated,
and I didn't blame them one bit.
I was trying
everything I knew, writing prescription
after prescription.
We tried:
- Strong Topical Steroids
- Pimecrolimus
- Topical Coal Tar Foam
Sometimes, he’d have a few good weeks…
The steroids would work for a little…
He’d finally get a few nights of good sleep again…
But we couldn’t use them on his face, and for the rest of his body?
The relief was purely temporary.
Pimecrolimus worked really well, but at upwards of $500 per bottle…
Curtis’ parents simply couldn’t afford it.
They needed something that was both effective and affordable.
They were in luck, even if they didn't know it yet.
At the time, I didn't know it either.
For what seemed like an eternity...
They felt helpless.
We had tried every treatment…
And the only thing that actually worked was far too expensive for anyone to actually use.
I felt helpless too.
It was unbearable to watch…
Kids shouldn’t have to live like this.
But I refused to give up: Curtis needed me.
All my eczema patients needed me.
Thankfully, I was trained in Dermatology at the absolute best hospital for it in the nation.
I can’t say the name in this blog post, but it’s located in Minnesota.
During my training, we used a novel method for treating another form of dermatitis known as seborrheic dermatitis.
It was cheap, safe, and always worked for seborrheic dermatitis 100% of the time.
While seborrheic dermatitis is nowhere near as agonizing as atopic dermatitis (eczema)...
It is still a form of dermatitis, causing pink, scaly rashes all over the patient’s face and hair.
This novel method from my training used two low cost ingredients, compounded together:
- Sulfur
- Low-strength hydrocortisone
While the low-strength hydrocortisone helps to clear the rash…
The sulfur acts as both a prebiotic and protection against any hydrocortisone side effects.
This means that this combination not only quickly clears seborrheic dermatitis rashes…
It is also safe for long term preventative use, which I have proven in a clinical study.
I started there and immediately wrote a prescription for Curtis.
But as I suspected, the next week, Curtis came back. It wasn’t working.
While seborrheic and atopic dermatitis have the same two root causes:
- Inflammation
- Bacteria
The low-strength solution wasn’t strong enough for eczema.
A few weeks later, Curtis was back in my office again.
This time, he looked awful…
Despite temporary improvements in the overall size and severity of his rashes..
His rashes were back, but this time he had scratched so hard that he was still bleeding when he walked in.
I felt heart-broken and I knew we were running out of time.
That same day, I dropped everything I was doing and left for the National Dermatology Conference, determined to find answers.
I knew that if I could somehow improve this seborrheic dermatitis formula..
I could finally get Curtis the relief he has been missing for his entire life so far.
He was in.
I called Curtis’ parents that night crying…
It was the first time in a long time that I felt hope.
We were going to figure this out.
Shortly after the conference, we got to work.
Dr. Krabowski and I toiled day and night…
Studying hundreds of other products that he had formulated throughout his career.
We already knew that compared to seborrheic patients…
Eczema patients have a big problem with their skin microbiome and skin barrier.
With eczema, essentially, the skin barrier is destroyed and cannot repair itself.
This exacerbates the microbiome problem…
Which then increases the severity of the rashes present on the skin.
This is why atopic dermatitis/ eczema rashes are so much more severe than seborrheic rashes.
You see, when noxious microbes (like the staph bacteria, for example) are present in your skin…
Your immune system activates to neutralize them…
And restore balance to your skin’s microbiome.
But when your immune system can’t turn off like it should…
You get chronic inflammatory rashes, AKA dermatitis (and its many forms).
With seborrheic dermatitis, sulfur + low-strength hydrocortisone is more than enough.
The prebiotic sulfur restores balance to the microbiome…
And the low-strength hydrocortisone helps address the inflammation.
But with atopic dermatitis, the sulfur alone just wasn’t enough.
We needed a much stronger prebiotic.
That wasn’t all though…
We also needed to address the skin barrier issue.
So we spent hours in the lab…
Trying everything we could think of…
Until finally, after what felt like months of experiments…
We had a formula.
Dr. Krabowski found some key ingredients to help repair the skin barrier…
And I found a few key prebiotics that I knew would help the microbiome.
I just hoped it would be enough.
So, we made a small batch for Curtis to try.
Just to be safe, I also recommended Curtis use a name-brand moisturizer to help with the process.
After the first day, Curtis’ mom reported minor improvements…
Which for us, was a great sign.
With each passing day, we heard reports of gradual, steady improvement in Curtis’ skin.
Our formula was working: We couldn’t believe it!
Within 3 weeks, Curtis’ skin was completely healed.
Curtis isn’t the only one who got immediate, amazing results...
Take Samantha’s story for example.
Since before she could even remember, Samantha had been suffering from eczema.
It was painful, embarrassing, and exhausting.
When she got to college, the stress set her flare-ups at an all-time high…
And her mental health?
It was at an all-time low.
The eczema on her eyelids and hands was so bad that it made her afraid to go outside.
She wasn’t just uncomfortable, itchy, and in pain…
She felt humiliated.
All anyone saw were those red, flakey, peeling patches…
A college experience that she certainly did not sign up for.
Frustrated and desperate, Samantha went to her Dermatologist searching for answers…
What she got was a prescription for strong, topical steroids and some terrible advice.
“You’re just going to have to deal with it.”
Sound familiar?
She used the steroids for years, unable to achieve lasting relief.
Like so many others, her rashes would always come back.
With each hopeless visit, Samantha found her Dermatologist increasing the strength of her prescribed steroids.
If she kept going like this, she would be sure to get
topical steroid withdrawal…
The steroid side effect that causes red, burning rashes…
And is often worse than the eczema itself!
Feeling defeated, Samantha tried to take matters into her own hands.
She tried:
Losing weight
Fixing her diet
Eliminating fragrances
Avoiding heat
Taking baths
While improving your diet and losing weight are always good ideas…
These steps were just not enough to provide actual relief.
No matter what she tried…
Samantha always wound up right back where she started.
Painful, cracked, bloody hands…
Swollen, itchy eyes…
Until she discovered SmartLotion.
“I looked at the ingredients, and I realized that the sulfur in SmartLotion® was the one thing I had never tried.” Sam explained, “I figured what the heck, I will try it. I’ve tried everything else.”
Of course, it wasn’t just the sulfur that helped, but she had the right idea.
Within a few hours, Samantha’s itching was gone.
The next day…
The swelling and redness around her eyes was nearly gone.
“I cried when I looked in the mirror,” said Sam, “and after a couple of weeks, I had clear skin. For the first time ever.”
Samantha’s experience isn’t unique.
Throughout my 30+ year career, I’ve used SmartLotion® to treat over 20,000 patients living through the same story…
A lifelong battle with eczema or any of the other many forms of dermatitis...
Many of whom have been treated incorrectly by Dermatologists…
Essentially set up to fail.
This is exactly why I created SmartLotion.
There’s one little thing that most Dermatologists continue to get wrong…
And it’s not their fault.
The system has been set up this way for decades…
And it’s all thanks to one group: Big Pharma.
In the 90’s, Big Pharma began to have a major influence on the Dermatology community…
Encouraging dermatologists to use powerful prescription steroids to treat not just eczema…
But all forms of dermatitis.
With this, the knowledge of how to safely treat long-term dermatitis was essentially lost.
In reality, while prescription steroids are great at initial control of thick, severe eczema…
They just aren’t safe for extended use.
Of course, I am not the only Dermatologist on the planet that gets this.
There are plenty of other Dermatologists out there who are independent of Big Pharma and have a great reputation for Clinical Dermatology.
I’m not talking about them.
If you feel like a Dermatologist has let you down in the past…
You’re not alone.
We hear it again and again.
Just take Molly’s word for it:
“I had tried so many "remedies" including two different prescriptions from my doctor. Prescription took weeks to make any progress and then a huge flare up on hands and arms, nearly everywhere. I noticed a change after one application of SmartLotion®. My daughter sitting across from me at the breakfast table after two days couldn't believe how much improvement she could see. It wasn't very long until I was nearly completely free of patches of eczema. I haven't had skin this clear since December 2019. Thank you, Dr. Harlan!”

There is something else I need to mention:
I just stated that topical prescription steroids aren’t safe for extended use…
So you might be wondering why I put hydrocortisone, another corticosteroid, in SmartLotion…
The truth is…
When low-strength hydrocortisone is combined with sulfur, you simply don’t get any steroid side effects.
In fact, SmartLotion® is the ONLY steroid-containing product on the market that can be used continuously, without side effects when used as directed.
I actually proved this in a clinical study that I published in 2008 in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology.
Over the course of 15 years, not a single patient experienced any of the 3 possible steroid side effects:
- Topical steroid withdrawal
- Skin thinning
- Steroid acne (perioral dermatitis)
Even when applied to the face on a daily basis.
And like I said before, I’ve used SmartLotion to treat dermatitis in over 20,000+ people…
But I don’t want to stop there.
I know there are still thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people suffering from eczema…
Too embarrassed to leave their house…
Suffering from excruciating pain…
Ready to just give up on the hope of ever having clear skin.
I promise you: It’s not too late.
Even if you’ve suffered from itchy, red skin your whole life…
You can get clear skin today, and you deserve it.
That’s why I am so excited for you to try SmartLotion.
More and more people like you are trying it…
And LOVING it.
Just Take Susan’s word for it…
“After suffering with itching, red, burning skin and spending a bunch of money on things that didn't work, I tried SmartLotion®. After 3 applications, it's completely gone. No more itching, red burning skin. It's a miracle in a tube.”

So many of my patients have found out just how effective SmartLotion can be.
Even though it’s based on a formulation for seborrheic dermatitis…
And improved to be effective for eczema…
My colleagues and I use it as part of our go-to treatment for all forms of dermatitis:
And so
much more!
I truly want you to see the results for yourself.
So for a limited time, I’ve got a great offer:
You can get (3) bottles of SmartLotion for just $89.
- This is a savings of $30 over my normal price…
- And less than 33 cents per application!
As you may have guessed, SmartLotion is selling fast.
We have already ran out of inventory 3 times, and are working fast to stock up as much as we can.
Unfortunately, due to the unique formulation, it is very difficult to mass-produce.
So there is a good chance that it may not be available right now.
I recommend you click below to check availability…
And if we have it in stock…
Be sure to grab yours while you still can!