SmartLotion® Condition-Specific Guide
SmartLotion® Condition-Specific Guide
This guide will help you identify your skin condition (or conditions) based on your symptoms. You can purchase SmartLotion® at the end.
Once you find your condition or symptoms, click or tap the “Select” button.
You will then learn how to use SmartLotion® to help alleviate your specific symptoms and prevent future flare-ups.
More than 1 condition or set of symptoms is common. The complete guide on using SmartLotion® with every type of skin condition is emailed to you upon purchase.

Symptoms: Red or discolored scaling patches with prominent itching
Condition Name: Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Locations: Anywhere on the body (including eyelids)
Common locations (Face): The lateral face, ears, neck, jaw line
Common locations (Body): Wrists, arms, back of the knees, ankles, back of the hands