Facial Eczema: How To Manage A Breakout
Eczema, sometimes known as Atopic Dermatitis affects around 10% of the population in the U.S.A. That’s almost 32 million people. With 1 in 10 people suffering from eczema at some point in their life there’s no shortage of questions relating to the condition. Breakouts can happen at any point in your life and can be quite distressing, especially if the breakout is in a noticeable place such as your face. Your first port of call is to seek out a reliable eczema relief cream but to properly deal with the outbreak, there are other points to consider.
Manage Your Facial Eczema Breakout
If you’ve never suffered from eczema before, a breakout can be quite concerning. It’s even more worrying when the breakout is on your face. You’ll want to fix the problem, and fix it as fast as you can. Topical corticosteroids are a popular treatment for eczema, one which can come in different strength percentages and be bought directly by yourself, or prescribed by a doctor or health professional.
However, when looking for the best eczema cream for your face you have to be careful. Excessive use of high strength topical corticosteroid can cause long term side effects like steroid rebound phenomenon and steroid acne.. You need to find a skin cream which is kinder to your skin, especially when you’re using it on your face. Certain studies have pointed to the use of creams with a mild corticosteroid of 0.75% and including sulfur as being safe to use. In fact, Dr. Steven Harland results stated that: “none of the 300 patients experienced steroid acne, rebound phenomenon, or perioral dermatitis associated with use of hydrocortisone 0.75% and precipitated sulfur 0.5% on the face.”
Your first reaction might be an urgent need to use the most powerful topical corticosteroids in your eczema face cream to get rid of the eczema…but if you just take a step back and think about the balance of your skin's biome along with your skin’s health, you might try an eczema skin cream which is less damaging and better long term.

Finding The Best Eczema Relief Cream For You
There are a multitude of different eczema face creams out there and when you first start shopping, it can be a little overwhelming. If you’ve never used a face cream before you could consider starting with a cream with a lower corticosteroid concentration. Some of the best eczema face creams don’t have a high percentage, meaning they get the job done without thinning out your skin.
Each person is different, and it might take a little bit of trial and error before you find the right skin cream for you. You can stack the odds in your favor by doing some research into the cream first. If you can be sure it’s a good cream there’s a higher chance of it working and helping you banish dermatitis.
If you’ve used eczema creams in the past with minimal success, check out the ingredients. It might be that the creams are pretty identical and something inside doesn’t agree with you. In these cases, trying out a cream with a less aggressive corticosteroid concentration might be right for you.
Isolate the Cause Of Facial Eczema
Sometimes a change in lifestyle can cause an onset of eczema and other forms of dermatitis. This applies to eczema on the face but also in other bodily locations. Everyone reacts differently to common triggers. They can cover a range of beauty products and dietary changes. The most common causes of eczema are:
- A change in material worn next to the skin. Synthetic fabrics are a common culprit.
- Skin Irritants - again, each person will react differently but common irritants are detergents and soaps, as well as shampoo.
- Food Allergies - Certain allergies can result in eczema. Common triggers include allergic reactions to soya, cow’s milk, other grains, nuts, and many more potential allergens.
- Weather changes - Bizarrely, it isn’t uncommon to suffer worse or more serious bouts of eczema at certain times of the year. Cold or dry weather might be a factor, as well as the local pollen count
- Skin infections can also lead to eczema in certain situations
Once you’ve cleared your eczema after applying skin cream to your face it’s worth considering what could have caused the eczema in the first place. Sometimes it’s none of the above and you might not be able to work out what’s caused it.
If something on the list sounds familiar, you might be able to act to stop the eczema coming back. That and the proper application of good eczema skin cream can see you not only beat the breakout, but stop the inflammation coming back again.
Facial Eczema In Your Child
Facial eczema for anyone, of any age, can be daunting. For children, it can be even more difficult, especially for those in their teenage years. A study conducted by Neda Roosta came to the conclusion that children, teenagers and those in their young adult years feel like they’re isolated from their peers due to “disease related lifestyle conditions”. This study shows how hard eczema can affect not only young people, but their parents and carers too. It’s horrible to see your child go through such an awful experience but it is one that can be made better.
Taking the right steps to help your child can bring relief, and acting sooner rather than later can save them from some of the above referenced isolation.
You’ll be tempted to get a cream with a high percentage of cortisone with the intent to do your best for your child. However, your children's skin is more sensitive. The natural moisturizing factor in their skin is far less than that of an adult. Skin lipid production is reduced too when compared to an adult. It means a child's skin is more susceptible to skincare issues like inflammation. It also gets irritated far easier than a fully grown individual's skin, especially on the face.
With that in mind, in most cases you’d be better off considering a “softer” alternative when looking out for the best eczema cream for babies or younger children. Even teenagers. It’s important to stop the situation from recurring but in some cases using a bad eczema cream that isn’t balanced for your child’s skin could make things worse.
In reality, you know your child better than anyone else and it might be worth consulting with your medical professional or dermatologist before making your decision. An outbreak of facial eczema on your child can be a distressing time for them and you too, but if you can aim to fix the situation quickly you’ll be able to address the breakout.
Get Into A Routine
It’s important to get into a solid routine regarding your eczema cream application. You should check out the instructions which come with the product to give you an idea regarding how much mild corticosteroid cream to apply. A good set of instructions should tell you how often to apply the cream depending on the outbreak. Some will go even further and tell you how much to apply to depending on the age of the user.
You can use an alarm on your phone to remind you to apply the eczema cream. The trick is in finding time to do it at the same time every single day. You’ll develop a routine and won’t forget to use it. After you’ve defeated the breakout or flare up, you can continue to use certain steroid creams twice a day to make sure the infection doesn’t come back. Using a subscription can save you money and ensure you’ve got the cream available just in case you get another bout of eczema on your face, or anywhere else on your body.
More Information On Facial Eczema
You can check out our skincare guide for more information about eczema in general and how to manage it. This PubMed Article explains how our specific SmartLotion is safe to use to treat eczema. Our blog is also full of useful articles around skincare and eczema while you can always contact us if there’s anything else you wanted to know about our SmartLotion.
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