SmartLotion Reviews
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Diane C.
May 5, 2023
When I started to use SmartLotion, I did exactly what the instructions are, which is to do it twice a day. I have to say, I think on the third day I saw an amazing difference. The the cuts had healed and I was no longer itchy. I didn't have to wear the gloves at night. It was amazing. I gave the lotion to my son and daughter who both think it's also equally as effective....I just wanted to tell you what a difference it's made. As a case in point, my husband, who's also a physician, said to me the other day: "Wow, your hands are so soft!" It used to be where I would it would be so dry that that he noticed the difference right away. This is the first time he has said anything in 30 years. So I was amazed. Anyway, thank you. I'll be ordering more, and I definitely believe in this product. Thank you.

Sep 2, 2022
Our son, when he was like just a few months old, even a year old, he would bring us a bottle and actually want us to put more [SmartLotion] on him. So it was nice to see that he also noticed a change. He was like, Mom, Dad put this on me, you know, without verbally telling us he's bringing the bottle to us. And it just made us so happy. And now he is too. And his face is clear. And it's been clear since we started using [SmartLotion] and being more consistent with it. And it's nice to hear, too, because our family also mentioned that they see a difference. He's happier, his face is clear. He's not scratching constantly. He's running around and playing, which is what the kids should be doing.

Jennifer B.
Jun 27, 2022
When I ripped off my gloves, it would rip off parts of my eczema, which was so painful. But that didn't happen at all. And now after I would say like six months of using SmartLotion, I use it maybe a couple of times a week. So right now I'm using it on a patch on my neck and a little bit (because it's really hot where I live) in the crux of my arms because I do sweat and that does irritate my skin. But honestly, I only use it a few times a week and for flare ups and it has completely managed my unmanageable eczema. And I am so grateful for the opportunity to talk about how much this has changed my life. I no longer feel like people are worried to be around me because they don't know that eczema isn't communicable. And I just hope that for the one person who's seeing this, if you haven't tried something that has a similar ingredient list to this, it's totally worth just trying it.