What is it?
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that often flares in the winter or with stress. It can also flare with instances of dry skin such as after a shower. Seborrheic dermatitis is the cause of dandruff in the scalp.
It appears as facial redness, scaling, and/or slight itching in the eyebrows, central face, or the crease between the cheek and nose.
What do I NEED to know?
This skin disorder is extremely common and easily treated. If your symptoms don’t go away after following the steps in this treatment plan, seek additional help from your dermatologist.
Self-Care Guide For Seborrheic Dermatitis
Apply a thin disappearing layer of SmartLotion® twice daily for two weeks, then taper gradually to use as needed. Severe cases may require additional treatment from your dermatologist. See your dermatologist for supervision and for Ketoconazole products that work extremely well with SmartLotion®. Use a zinc or ketoconazole shampoo daily for the scalp and beard.