Possible Symptoms: Chronic sun damage that stays red, rough or scaly
Possible Locations: Anywhere you could have sun damage
Scroll down for a detailed guide on how to relieve Heliodermatitis while using SmartLotion®.
Possible Symptoms: Chronic sun damage that stays red, rough or scaly
Possible Locations: Anywhere you could have sun damage
Scroll down for a detailed guide on how to relieve Heliodermatitis while using SmartLotion®.
Possible Symptoms: Chronic sun damage that stays red, rough or scaly
Possible Locations: Anywhere you could have sun damage
Scroll down for a detailed guide on how to relieve Heliodermatitis while using SmartLotion®.
What is it?
Heliodermatitis describes chronic sun damage that stays red, rough and scaly. There can also be seborrheic dermatitis that complicates the sun damage.
What do I NEED to know?
Sun exposure has taken a toll on your skin. Do your best to reduce sun exposure going forward. You must wear sunscreen and see your dermatologist for a skin cancer check.
Self-Care Guide For Heliodermatitis
Apply a thin disappearing layer of SmartLotion twice daily for two weeks, then taper gradually to use as needed. Wear a sunblock lotion everyday with SPF 30. See your dermatologist for a skin cancer check, and for treatments that work extremely well with SmartLotion.
Two Bottles of SmartLotion®
$34.95 per bottle
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Total Price: $69.90
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Three Bottles of SmartLotion®
$29.95 per bottle
Instant Savings: $45.15
Total Price: $89.85
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One Bottle of SmartLotion®
$39.95 per bottle
Instant Savings: $5.05
Total Price: $39.95
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