Other Forms of Dermatitis
Scroll down for a detailed guide on how to help relieve less-common types of dermatitis & instructions for use.
Other Forms of Dermatitis
Scroll down for a detailed guide on how to help relieve less-common types of dermatitis & instructions for use.
Your Symptoms: Red, VERY ITCHY scaling patches with prominent itching, on the WRISTS, ARMS, OR BACK OF THE KNEES, ankles, or back of the hands.
Your Most Likely Skin Issue (Not a Diagnosis): Atopic Dermatitis
Scroll down for a detailed guide on how to treat Atopic Dermatitis using SmartLotion.
Other Forms of Dermatitis
Scroll down for a detailed guide on how to help relieve less-common types of dermatitis & instructions for use.
Contact Dermatitis:
Apply SmartLotion® 2-3x per day for rash recovery, 1x per day for prevention.
Apply SmartLotion® 2-3x per day for recovery of active flare-up, 1x per day for prevention.
Dyshidrotic Dermatitis:
Apply SmartLotion® 3-4x per day for flare-up recovery, 1x per day for prevention.
Nummular Dermatitis:
Daily moisturizing is important for both recovery and prevention. Apply SmartLotion® 2-3x per day for recovery, 1x per day for prevention.
Superficial Perivascular Dermatitis:
This is a term for Atopic Dermatitis with visible blood vessels. Follow the Atopic Dermatitis regimen: Apply 4x daily for up to 4 weeks with frequent moisturizing for flare-up recovery, and apply 1-2x daily with moisturizing for prevention.
This could indicate an allergy, specifically to ibuprofen. Consult your doctor if your condition does not improve.
Stasis Dermatitis:
Apply SmartLotion® 3x per day for rash recovery and apply moisturizing lotion 2x per day.
Keep your legs elevated as much as possible, and use 2 ace wraps on each leg to wrap your leg from the toes to the knees.
If you do this every day, you should see good improvement within 3 weeks of use.
Dr. Harlan has treated many patients for stasis dermatitis without prescription medication using this exact strategy.
Two Bottles of SmartLotion®
$34.95 per bottle
Instant Savings: $20.10
Total Price: $69.90
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Three Bottles of SmartLotion®
$29.95 per bottle
Instant Savings: $45.15
Total Price: $89.85
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
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One Bottle of SmartLotion®
$39.95 per bottle
Instant Savings: $5.05
Total Price: $39.95
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
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Single Bottle Subscription bills every 2 months
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