What is it?
Many different things could contribute to inflammation of hair follicles. It could be mechanical irritation, as in the case of a shaving rash. Or it could be yeast or bacterial overgrowth in the pores, or all three.
Sometimes mild seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis contribute to follicular inflammation. Fortunately, SmartLotion helps with all these issues.
What do I NEED to know?
There are no major warnings of products not to use, or products that make shaving rashes worse. See your dermatologist if the condition is widespread, or the symptoms don’t improve after a few days.
Self-Care Guide For Follicular Inflammation
Apply a thin disappearing layer of SmartLotion twice daily for two weeks, then taper gradually to use as needed. Shave in a single downward direction, then apply the SmartLotion in a single downward direction. For severe cases, you may need extra treatment from your dermatologist in the form of antibiotic products that work extremely well with SmartLotion. If your skin feels dry, also use daily Curel® lotion - Original Formula, Aveeno® Eczema Therapy lotion, Moisturel® lotion, or Cetaphil® lotion.