What is it?
Sweating and heat-related irritation of the pores and hair follicles, including yeast and bacterial overgrowth. Dry skin, especially in the winter contributes.
Appears as heat-related pimples and bumps on the trunk, legs or pubic area.
What do I NEED to know?
Make an appointment to see your doctor if the condition is widespread or the symptoms don’t improve within a few days of SmartLotion treatment.
Self-Care Guide For Folliculitis
Apply a thin disappearing layer of SmartLotion twice daily for two weeks, then taper gradually to use as needed. Apply SmartLotion in a single (downward direction). Moisturize all skin once daily with Curel® lotion - Original Formula, CeraVe® lotion, Moisturel® lotion, or Cetaphil® lotion, and apply these in a single downward direction. Reduce the activities for a while that contribute to perspiration. See your dermatologist for supervision.