What is it?
Atopic dermatitis and mild psoriasis are common skin disorders that often flare in the winter or with stress. Contact dermatitis can flare from jewelry, fragrances or fingernail polish.
These conditions appear as facial or neck slightly scaling patches, with prominent itching on the lateral face, ears, neck and jawline.
What do I NEED to know?
Avoid using soap on the rashes or other irritants that can inflame your symptoms. Seek immediate medical attention if the rash looks infected or if you or your child has a fever.
Self-Care Guide For Atopic Dermatitis
After moisturizing, apply a thin disappearing layer of SmartLotion two to four times daily for four weeks, then taper gradually to use as needed. See your dermatologist for supervision and patch testing for contact allergies (environmental and product allergies). Moisturize everyday with Curel® lotion - Original Formula, Cetaphil® lotion, or Aveeno® Eczema Therapy lotion for all types of skin.