Orders shipped same day
HSA/ FSA Accepted
Get Eczema Itch & Flare-Up Complete Relief With This One-Of-A-Kind Mayo Clinic Pharmacy-Inspired Formula
Clear Your Flare-Ups FAST & Have A GREAT Chance of Never Seeing a Flare-Up Again!
(95% Success Rate In Clinical Tests)

Feel the wave 🌊 of relief on 1st application. Wipes clean with no residue.

As Clinically Studied In The Journal of Drugs & Dermatology


95% Success Rate In The Management Of Chronic Eczema & Dermatitis


Over 1000 Patients In The Study


ZERO Side Effects After 10 Years of Daily Preventative Use


Seborrheic Dermatitis
(Pink facial rashes)
Perioral Dermatitis
(Steroid rebound phenomenon)
Atopic Dermatitis
And Many More, Including:
Actinic Keratosis
Flexure Psoriasis
Combination Skin
Shaving Rashes
Stasis Dermatitis
"After 10 years and over 20,000 of my patients using SmartLotion® successfully, I think it's safe to say...
This stuff works!"
~ Dr. Steven Harlan, MD
  • Relieves itch and flare-ups FAST
  • Experience smooth, softer skin
  • Say "Good-Bye" to dry, flaky, cracked skin
  • No more sleepless nights of continuous irritability and discomfort
  • 100% safe for a lifetime of use, no side effects whatsoever
  • Designed for extremely sensitive skin (lips, eyelids, children and baby skin)


Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Manning Quigley This product helped my Eczema when nothing else did...especially on my face and neck...
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 17 days ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Candy Dalzell Just got this 2 days ago,so far itching is better the redness is still there but I will keep using as directed fingers crossed!
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 15 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Paula Churaman I started using this about a week and a half ago, I can’t begin to explain the relief I’ve seen since day two of using this, my only regret is not getting sooner that way I could’ve prevented the extreme discomfort of the itching, the oozing and the overall stress that comes with eczema. I feel so relieved now. It’s a bit pricey but it’s worth every penny it definitely worked for me
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 12 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Debra Reda Sheralyn Jaquier Webb yes. It has helped my face and ear itching alot. My face , eyebrows, earlobes would itch and drive me crazy. Use daily and it helps probalby 95%. If I don't use it I start to itch again. I rub into the outside of ears and all over face every morning. If I notice any itching starting I do it at night also.
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 15 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Beth Cooke Weaver Get some eczema people! It works!! Nothing else has for me!!!
Likes · Replies · 2 · about 21 days ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Angela Castañon I don't normally write reviews. I've spent alot of money for my itchy,peeling,weeping eyes. Got this yesterday and already see improvement! Loving it so far!
Likes · 2 Replies · 1 · about 3 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Manning Quigley Long...time sufferer...so far this has been WORKING...❗️
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 17 days ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Haxhere Terbunja This cream is a miracle, works 100%
Likes · Replies ·about 4 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Paula Churaman Manning Quigley it truly is!!!!! Not a cure but it truly does help with all the symptoms I love it
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 6 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Irma Santos-Laudermilch My order arrived promptly. First application stopped the itch almost instantaneously. Rash is still present but i was made aware it could take 2-4 weeks.
Likes · 1 Reply · 1 · about 12 days ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Michael Willoughby I prayed to God. It's starting to work.
Likes · 1 Reply · 1 · about 13 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Likes · Replies · 1 · about 22 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Sonia Marie Svensk Liskoski A good product!
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 14 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Shelley Jackson I use this cream every night after washing my face. I had terrible rosacea that I battled for several years and since using this cream my face is completely clear and soft. That’s an added benefit. I love this product!
Likes · Replies · 1 · about 7 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Manning Quigley Good stuff ... from a long time eczema sufferer... 👏👏👏👏👏👏❗️
Likes · 1 Reply · 2 · about 6 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Stephanie Kuehn Just received my order. I have used it twice and I can already see a great improvement. Well worth the price.
Likes · 1 Reply · 1 · about 3 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Paul Wiser Joanna Pagano I’ve been battling eczema for many years. Everything I tried had minimal results. This stuff really works for me. It’s like a magic eraser for eczema. I was afflicted with eczema over most of my body, with my legs and face the worst. I had weeping eczema on the inside if my thighs. Smart Lotion dried it right up in a few days. My face no longer itches, and I no longer have itching attacks at night. It’s a miracle in a tube!
Likes · Replies · 5 · about 18 weeks ago
Commented on HarlanMD's public post

Natassja Ransom I received my order about 3 weeks ago now. I have had SEVERE itching for the past 1.5 years that occurs on my face only and results in huge welts that burn and itch to no end. It has been an ongoing cycle of a little reprieve and then back again with a vengeance. Dermatologist prescribed topical steroid cream that really never did a thing to help. I have spent well over $1k and tried every miracle cream, trick and suggestion I read about in hopes I would have some sort of relief. Since about 7 days ago the intense itch redness and irritation has greatly subsided and I have been able to focus on other things than clawing my face apart. I am scared to say something may be finally working for fear it will come back, but - for now my face is 90% better and more comfortable than it has been in AGES and I am grateful for this cream. If you are struggling this may be worth a shot. Just be consistent, patient and use for at least 3-4 weeks before deciding for yourself if it is working.
Likes · 3 Replies · 3 · about 15 weeks ago

Mayo Clinic Pharmacy Formula

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Made in USA

Dermatol-ogist Developed

Suitable For ALL TYPES of Skin Inflammation Problems Such As Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Shaving Rashes, Sensitive Skin Issues, Folliculitis and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Watch The FULL Story On How SmartLotion® Works, & WHY It Works So Well:

SmartLotion Is The Only Product PROVEN to Help Manage All Forms Of Recurring Dermatitis & Eczema

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Facial redness, scaling, slight itching or stinging in the eyebrows, face or crease between the cheek and nose.

Perioral Dermatitis

Facial patchy redness with small bumps and slight scaling on the chin, or around the mouth nose or eyes.

Atopic Dermatitis

Facial or neck red slightly scaling patches. Prominent itching on the face, ears, neck or jaw line.

Actinic Keratosis

Small, sensitive, sandpaper-like rough spots.

Razor Burn

Shaving rashes on the neck, legs or pubic area.

& So Much More!

Red irritated “combination skin” with acne blemishes.                                                                                          

Click "Start Now" to Take The Skin Quiz: Learn How SmartLotion® Can Help Your Unique Skin Symptoms & Purchase SmartLotion® To Try 100% Risk-Free!

Stop Eczema Outbreaks
With SmartLotion®

Dr. Steven Harlan's incredible SmartLotion® helps clears eczema fast, while preventing future outbreaks with a once-daily application.

  • 95% Success Rate
  • Works By Improving Skin Microbiome
  • Proven Safe For Daily Use
  • Designed For Sensitive Skin
  • Customized Care Guide Based On Symptoms

Buy Now And Save 40%

On Your First Bottle!

SmartLotion Is The Only Product Proven to Help Manage All Forms Of Recurring Dermatitis & Eczema

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Facial redness, scaling, slight itching or stinging in the eyebrows, face or crease between the cheek and nose.

Perioral Dermatitis

Facial patchy redness with small bumps and slight scaling on the chin, or around the mouth nose or eyes.

Atopic Dermatitis

Facial or neck red slightly scaling patches. Prominent itching on the face, ears, neck or jaw line.

Actinic Keratosis

Small, sensitive, sandpaper-like rough spots.

Razor Burn

Shaving rashes on the neck, legs or pubic area.

Acne Treatment Irritation

Red irritated “combination skin” with acne blemishes.                                                                                          

For Flare-Up Recovery: Apply a thin, disappearing layer of SmartLotion® 2-4x daily for eczema on the face and other sensitive areas, or 4x daily on the body. Moisturize frequently, at a minimum before every application.

For Flare-Up Prevention: Taper gradually, then moisturize & apply as needed or 1-2x daily depending on location.

For dermatitis type-specific instructions, please refer to our Skin Care Guide, available on our home page.

Tip 1:

For Ultra-Sensitive, Stinging Skin: Before every application, spritz your skin with water first, then apply moisturizer, then apply your SmartLotion®. You can use ice briefly to help with stinging.


Tip 2:

For Open Wounds, or "Weeping" Eczema: You are safe to apply moisturizer directly to the wound as long as you clean it before. Apply SmartLotion® around the wound, but not in, for best results.


Tip 3:

Don't Hesitate to Reach Out: Dr. Harlan takes a personal interest in all patients who use his SmartLotion®. If you have any questions, Dr. Harlan will answer them.


"I haven't felt this good in a long time..."

"After seeing the results that this SmartLotion® put out in a quick time period, I'm hooked for life!"


"It is the REAL DEAL, you HAVE to get it!"

"Thanks to SmartLotion®, my eczema is gone and it has not come back!"


"It has helped SO much!"

"I've suffered from eczema since I was a kid. I think anyone who suffers from eczema or dermatitis will really benefit from it."


"I haven't had any flare-ups for MONTHS!"

"My skin is smooth, I'm confident, it feels good. SmartLotion® has changed my skin and I love it. It's amazing. You HAVE to go get some."


"I'm SO happy that I found SmartLotion®!"

"I have been using SmartLotion® for about 4 days now... and I am just so amazed. Look at my hand! It's almost totally cleared up, and it stopped hurting after like, day 2 of use.


Meet The Inventor: Dermatologist Dr. Steven Harlan, MD

Dr. Harlan has been an innovator in Dermatology ever since completing his training at the Mayo Clinic. He was one of the first Dermatologists to use lasers in surgery, and he trained the first ever Dermatology Physician's Assistant, of which there are now thousands.

Throughout his 37 year career, Dr. Harlan has treated over 50,000 patients for skin cancer. Every year he performs over 500 Mohs surgeries, which are special surgeries required for large and complex skin cancers.

Dr. Harlan considers the invention of the SmartLotion® formula to be his greatest accomplishment. Early on, he noticed that Big Pharma only created drugs for tacking advanced and severe skin issues. This left the majority of people - many who were his patients - struggling to find a solution for their mild, recurring dermatitis and eczema.

Using a mortar and pestle, Dr. Harlan spent 20 years perfecting the SmartLotion® formula. Over 20,000 patients from across the United States have all benefited from its use. Now, thanks to the power of the internet, Dr. Harlan is able to bring his "miracle" SmartLotion® straight to you, with no visit to Harlan Dermatology required.

Enhanced Prebiotic Sulfur

The natural prebiotic sulfur in SmartLotion® provides several benefits:

  1. Naturally and safely reduces the eczema-causing bacteria found in the skin                                                    
  2. Enhances the effectiveness of the low-strength hydrocortisone                                          
  3. Helps protect against any side effects that could be caused by hydrocortisone                  
  4. Softens the skin and helps to strengthen skin barriers damaged by flare-ups
0.75% "Low Strength" Hydrocortisone
While 1% hydrocortisone is too strong for extended use, 0.75% hydrocortisone (when combined with sulfur) is both safe and effective. Here's why:
  1. It increases the reduction capabilities of sulfur. Translated, this means it makes sulfur a stronger antioxidant.                        
  2. This helps to improve sulfur's ability to safely reduce any eczema-causing bacteria in the skin.                                              
  3. Thanks to enhancements provided by the sulfur, this "low-strength" hydrocortisone has very strong anti-inflammatory properties that help you recover from even the toughest eczema flare-ups.

Apricot Fragrance

While many with sensitive skin may be concerned that there's a fragrance in SmartLotion®, fear not.

This fragrance is 100% hypoallergenic and highly tested. It was hand-picked by Dr. Harlan to provide 1 extremely important benefit without irritation: masking the smell of the sulfur!

(It's great at this, too!)


Petrolatum is an oil-based emollient that is used to moisturize the skin and help rebuild the skin barrier.

Although petroleum jelly is thick and leaves a shiny residue, the petrolatum in SmartLotion® quickly wipes clear with no residue whatsoever.


Glycerin is a humectant that enables the skin to retain moisture, which is key in the eczema healing process.

It helps to increase skin hydration, relieve dryness and refresh the skin's surface.


According to the FDA, dimethicone is a safe skincare ingredient that is used as a moisturizer to treat and prevent dry, rough, scaly, and itchy skin. (It works great in helping to relieve and prevent eczema flare-ups!)

Click here for a complete list of all ingredients inside SmartLotion®


Why doesn't the hydrocortisone cause side effects?

The hydrocortisone in SmartLotion® doesn't cause side effects for 2 reasons:

  1. It is low strength, which makes it safer for extended use.                
  2. The prebiotic sulfur in SmartLotion® enhances the hydrocortisone to protect your skin from any possible side effects.

Dr. Harlan proved that SmartLotion® is safe to use on a daily basis in his 2008 study published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology.

I have a skin condition not listed on your site. Can SmartLotion® help me?

Most likely, yes, however:

  1. Check the extended skin care guide available here and make sure your skin condition is not already mentioned.                        
  2. If it is not, email us at support@harlanmd.com. Dr. Harlan can provide personalized, condition-specific instructions for using SmartLotion®.                
  3. Consult your dermatologist.

Does SmartLotion® interact with any medications?


I think I may be allergic to an ingredient, how do I safely test SmartLotion® on my skin?

First do a Test Site. On an inner forearm, apply a small chocolate chip size dollop of SmartLotion® daily for 3 days. If you react to the product, send it back.

How long does SmartLotion® take to work?

Many customers experience itch and pain relief almost immediately, or within 1 to 2 days.

Depending on the severity of your condition, your flare-up could be clear in as little as a few days or up to 3 to 4 weeks.

If your flare-up is extremely severe, although your skin might not be clear in this time you should see a noticeable improvement.

Be sure to follow the instructions provided in the skin care guide for best results.

Especially with atopic dermatitis (eczema), it is EXTREMELY important to moisturize frequently.

Can I use SmartLotion® on my eyelids?

Yes. SmartLotion® is safe to apply anywhere on the body. You won't need to apply as much or as often as flare-ups on the thicker parts of your skin. See the skin care guide for details.

Is SmartLotion® safe for children, infants and toddlers?

Yes. Be sure to follow the infant/ child specific care guide available in the skin care guide.

I am allergic to sulfa drugs. Can I use SmartLotion®?

Yes. Sulfa drugs (common antibiotics) are completely unrelated to the natural prebiotic sulfur featured in the SmartLotion® formula.

After my skin is clear, how much SmartLotion® do I have to use?

It depends on your skin condition, how large your affected area is, and how severe your symptoms are.

Prevention usage is detailed in right here in the skin care guide.

For minor flare-up prevention, 1 bottle of SmartLotion® can last 3-4 months.

What moisturizing lotions does Dr. Harlan recommend?

Here is the complete list of Dr. Harlan's recommended moisturizing lotions:

  • Curel® Lotion - Original Formula
  • Cetaphil® Lotion
  • Aveeno® Eczema Therapy Lotion
  • Moisturel® Lotion
  • CeraVe® Lotion

What do I do if SmartLotion® is not working for me?

First, consult the skin care guide and make sure you are following the instructions.

The most common reason for a lack of results is the user not moisturizing enough.

Eczema/ atopic dermatitis patients NEED lots and lots of daily moisturizing.

You can also always reach out to us at support@harlanmd.com. If we can't help you, we will pass your problem along to Dr. Harlan and he will help you directly.

If I am unhappy with my results, how do I get my refund?

Email us at support@harlanmd.com.

Please include your order number in the subject line of your email.

Return both any used and unused bottles to the following address:

HarlanMD Returns

101 California Way

Fort Bragg, CA 95437


We will process your refund the moment we recieve your package.

All purchases are protected by our 60 day, 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If SmartLotion® is not the best product you've ever tried, we will refund your money quickly, via email, no questions asked!

SmartLotion Fights
The Root Cause Of All Dermatitis

SmartLotion is the only treatment for chronic inflammation of the skin (also known as dermatitis or eczema) that targets the root cause of the problem. The root cause of dermatitis is actually 2 separate problems that happen at the same time. SmartLotion is the first and only treatment that targets both, and is 100% safe so it can be used every day without side effects.

Conventional treatments for dermatitis target one problem or the other, but never both at the same time. Most are too strong or harsh for consistent use in the treatment of mild, recurring dermatitis.

The Twin Causes of Recurring Dermatitis

  1. Inflammation-Causing Super Antigens Produced by Bad Bacteria In The Skin's Microbiome
  2. Lack of Immune System "Breaks" That Stop Out-Of-Control Inflammation

SmartLotion's Dual-Action Formula Attacks Both Safely

  1. Features the prebiotic called the pure element sulfur.
  2. Features low-strength 0.75% hydrocortisone

Sulfur is used to reset the microbiome of the skin, helping to reduce the bad bacteria that produce Super Antigens (and the inflammation they cause). Traditional treatments use antibiotics for this, completely destroying the microbiome and creating other, sometimes bigger problems.

Low-strength hydrocortisone is used to help your body put a stop to any runaway inflammation reaction. Stronger concentrations of hydrocortisone (most commonly 1%, available over-the-counter) can have severe side effects and can only be safely used for a couple of weeks. Dr. Harlan proved that, in part thanks to protection provided by the sulfur, 0.75% hydrocortisone can be safely applied every day for 10 years. (Harlan, 2008)

Real Harlan Dermatology Patient Results

Seborrheic Dermatitis

"Red Spots, Gone."

For years, I've struggled to treat this patch of red skin on my face. It appears most often when I get out of the shower, and stays for weeks. I tried hydrocortisone, moisturizer... Nothing seemed to work until Dr. Harlan recommended SmartLotion. Now, I just apply SmartLotion once a day and my skin looks PERFECT! I'm really thankful for this.

— Jennifer A.

Seborrheic Dermatitis


Perioral Dermatitis

"I Was Making It Worse."

I first noticed the patches of redness and small bumps around my mouth about 5 years ago. I never thought anything of it. They didn’t really bother me much, and I figured they would go away. Eventually, I picked up a 1% hydrocortisone eczema cream from the store to see if it would help. The next thing I knew, my small patch of redness and bumps was now surrounding my mouth. Dr. Harlan informed me that the 1% hydrocortisone I was using was actually making my problem worse. With his instruction, SmartLotion completely cleared my skin of my problem in just 3 weeks. Now I just apply occasionally to keep it away. My skin has been clear ever since.

— Lorraine D.

Perioral Dermatitis


Real User Comments:

Commented on Shapiro MD's public post

Mark Donahue It has help me ! I have been using it for about a year . Your hair won’t grow back over night. It was a slow process. I just started using. The regrowth serum with it to see if It speeds up the process a little bit. But I’m happy With the product.
Likes · 6 Replies · 4 · about 2 months ago
Commented on Shapiro MD's public post

Mark Donahue It has help me ! I have been using it for about a year . Your hair won’t grow back over night. It was a slow process. I just start
Likes · 6 Replies · 4 · about 2 months ago

The Doctor:
Dermatologist Dr. Steven Harlan, MD

Meet Dermatologist Dr. Harlan MD

Inventor of SmartLotion...

Dr. Harlan has been an innovator in Dermatology ever since completing his training at the Mayo Clinic. He was one of the first Dermatologists to use lasers in surgery, and he trained the first ever Dermatology Physician's Assistant, of which there are now thousands.

Throughout his 37 year career, Dr. Harlan has treated over 50,000 patients for skin cancer. Every year he performs over 500 Mohs surgeries, which are special surgeries required for large and complex skin cancers.

Dr. Harlan considers the invention of the SmartLotion formula to be his greatest accomplishment. Early on, he noticed that Big Pharma only created drugs for tacking advanced and severe skin issues. This left the majority of people - many who were his patients - struggling to find a solution for their mild, recurring dermatitis.

Using a mortar and pestle, Dr. Harlan spent 20 years perfecting the SmartLotion formula. Over 20,000 patients from across the United States have all benefited from its use. Now, thanks to the power of the internet, Dr. Harlan is able to bring his "miracle" SmartLotion straight to you, with no doctor's visit required.

Take The Skin Quiz!

Dr. Harlan's handy skin skin quiz can help identify any inflammation-related skin issue you may have. Get useful tips as well as a customized SmartLotion® treatment guide absolutely free. Whether you use SmartLotion® or not, this free guide can help you regain your naturally perfect skin!

The Science:
95% Success Rate, 100% Safe

The Journal of Drugs In Dermatology, June 2008 (Harlan)

Patients often report negative side effects like perioral dermatitis, steroid acne and steroid rebound phenomenon when using topical steroids in the treatment of their dermatitis.

In a retrospective study, Dr. Harlan sampled 500 patients who regularly used SmartLotion (0.5% sulfur, 0.75% hydrocortisone, a low strength topical steroid) from 3 to 10 years.

The purpose of the study was to prove that combining sulfur with a low strength topical steroid would remove any negative effects of topical steroid use.

The Results:

  • "There was no evidence found that perioral dermatitis, steroid acne, or rebound phenomenon occurs when sulfur is compounded with topical hydrocortisone 0.75%."
  • "95% of patients reported good to excellent results in the treatment of their chronic dermatitis."

No matter your type of skin inflammation, SmartLotion can help improve your symptoms, safely, even after years of daily use.

Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 

June 2008 | Volume 7 | Issue 6

The SmartLotion® "Secret Sauce"

A 2-Part Solution To A 2-Part Problem

Recurring inflammation of the skin is caused by two separate problems happening at the same time. SmartLotion's active ingredients treat each of these problems individually, to first reduce the symptoms and then keep them away.

Problem 1:
Unhealthy Skin Microbiome

The microbiome is what we call the collection of microorganisms that inhabit our body. Different bacteria can have different effects, some good and some bad. When you have to much of a certain type of bad bacteria in your skin, your immune system wildly overreacts to the SuperAntigens they produce. When less of this bad bacteria occupies your microbiome, your immune system behaves as it should.

Problem 2:
Lack of "Inflammation Brakes"

30% of Americans have immune systems that lack fully functional "immune system brakes." When a person in this category's immune system overreacts to SuperAntigens, they suffer the symptoms of chronic skin inflammation. These symptoms include redness, scaling, flaking and rashes.

Solution 1:
The Pure Element Sulfur

Sulfur is an extremely effective natural prebiotic for inducing a healthy microbiome in the skin. It has been used for thousands of years to treat skin problems, starting with the ancient Egyptians. The sulfur in SmartLotion is odorless, and helps reduce inflammation-causing Super Antigens in your skin to a minimum.

Solution 2:
Low-Strength Hydrocortisone

As a corticosteroid, hydrocortisone is an excellent anti-inflammatory. In SmartLotion, we use it to help your immune system put the "brakes" on your inflammation. While 1% hydrocortisone can only be safely used for a couple of weeks, Dr. Harlan proved in his 2008 study that the lower-strength 0.75% hydrocortisone can be applied every day for 10 years with no side effects whatsoever.

Problem 1: Unhealthy Skin Microbiome

The microbiome is what we call the collection of microorganisms that inhabit our body. Different bacteria can have different effects, some good and some bad. When you have to much of a certain type of bad bacteria in your skin, your immune system wildly overreacts to the SuperAntigens they produce. When less of this bad bacteria occupies your microbiome, your immune system behaves as it should.

Problem 2: Lack of "Inflammation Brakes"

30% of Americans have immune systems that lack fully functional "immune system brakes." When a person in this category's immune system overreacts to SuperAntigens, they suffer the symptoms of chronic skin inflammation. These symptoms include redness, scaling, flaking and rashes.

Solution 1: The Pure Element Sulfur

Sulfur is an extremely effective natural prebiotic for inducing a healthy microbiome in the skin. It has been used for thousands of years to treat skin problems, starting with the ancient Egyptians. The sulfur in SmartLotion is odorless, and helps reduce inflammation-causing Super Antigens in your skin to a minimum.

Solution 2: Low-Strength Hydrocortisone

As a corticosteroid, hydrocortisone is an excellent anti-inflammatory. In SmartLotion, we use it to help your immune system put the "brakes" on your inflammation. While 1% hydrocortisone can only be safely used for a couple of weeks, Dr. Harlan proved in his 2008 study that the lower-strength 0.75% hydrocortisone can be applied every day for 10 years with no side effects whatsoever.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

All orders come with a no-questions-asked 60 day money-back guarantee.

We guarantee SmartLotion will clear up your skin, and keep it that way as long as you use it.

Try SmartLotion 100% risk free. Return it for a full refund for any reason, or no reason at all.

There are (4) total SmartLotion® package options. Keep scrolling to see them all!


One-Time Purchase

(6 oz)

$237 $89

Save $140 Instantly

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


One-Time Purchase

(4 oz)

$158 $69

Save $89 Instantly

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


One-Time Purchase

(2 oz)

$79 $39

Save $40 Instantly

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

52% Off 1st Month

1 Bottle Subscription

(2 oz)


60-Day Money Back Guarantee


Cancel, pause or change subscription interval 100% hassle-free on our website.

You will be notified by email before any and all charges.

No surprises, guaranteed!